Tech Stirrups Aluminum Rome Racing

$ 216.00
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Tech Stirrups Aluminum Rome Racing
RACING Tech Stirrups for those who demand speed
Racing Tech Stirrups are entirely produced in Italy. They are made of a special alluminium alloy billet so to be extremely lightweight and strong. Fitted with stainless steel screws and the rings are treated with 20 micron anodization to preserve the aesthetic quality; while the tread are subjected to a stone smoothing.
- Weight: 48g
- Tread length: 88mm
- Elliptical tread width: from 23,70mm to 31,50mm
- Available colours: Black, Blue, Gold, Silver, Red, Green, Brown, Titanium and Pink.The structure of the tread has been designed together with professional jockey and the grip has been studied so that can provide perfect adherence, despite the small size of the tread.
The different width of the tread has been created to provide to the rider a greater surface as foot support, maintaining the maximum lightweight compared to the stirrups of the same category.
The Tech Stirrups don’t need specific stirrups leather, indeed they can be used with standard stirrups leather. Tech Stirrups Rome has been submitted to a breaking test to confirm the resistant.
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