Winteclite Saddle D'lux All Purpose Saddle

Wintec (0302hiba)
  • E:Q
    • Winteclite Saddle D'lux All Purpose Saddle
      • 5 (2 votes)

    • $ 0.00

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    • Winteclite Saddle D'lux All Purpose Saddle


      Ideal for pleasure riding or participating in multiple disciplines, an extremely comfortable and lightweight all purpose saddle, featuring a uniquely removable and customisable cantle. Hi-tech materials and performance features ensure superior grip, close contact and comfort.

      Half the weight & double the Fun!

      The new WintecLite saddles: less than half the weight of a traditional leather saddle, and with the option to customise the saddle’s cantle.
      Ideal for pleasure riding or participating in multiple disciplines, an extremely comfortable and lightweight All Purpose saddle, featuring a uniquely customisable cantle. Hi-tech materials and performance features ensure superior horse and rider comfort.

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