Brad Rens Barrel Saddle 2040 Set

Brad Ren's 1008691s (0701e01)
  • No longer available
    • Brad Rens Barrel Saddle 2040 Set
      • Not yet rated.

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    • Brad Rens Barrel Saddle 2040 Set

      No longer available

      This set of the top quality Brad Ren's Barrel Saddle 2040 is available for a limited time only. The price is hugely discounted, the set contains the saddle, matching bridle, reins, bit, breast collar, saddle cloth and girth.

      The Brad Rens Barrel 2040 is made of american leather, with short, rawhide coated, flexible wooden frame. Despite the frame being wood, it's very light. Has rawhide trimmed horn, cantle and stirrups. The design is elegant, clean and functional. The seat is coated with reversed leather for the additional gripping. Has silver conchos and subtle carving.

      The saddle cloth has navajo style pattern, strong and resistant, two-ply New Zealand wool and has leather patches with basket patterns. The breast collar and bridle are made of the same color leather as the saddle, and have matching stitching as well.

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